[Freeswitch-users] Passing Privacy headers to other leg 18x 200 responses
Tomáš Boros
2015-05-22 14:39:57 UTC

I have an issue.
When a 200 OK response is received from the other leg, but it has its
Callee ID restricted (Termination Identification Restriction TIR from
etsi), the Privacy header is not appended to the 200 OK message on the
first leg.

A 200 OK or a 180 Ringing is received with a Privacy: ID header, but
this header will not be copied to the other channel when forwarding the
200 OK to the caller.

I was digging in the source code and did not find anything about it. Do
someone have a clue, where should it be implemented? Could someone post
me a patch for it?

Thank you,
Tomáš Boros
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